U r a master!!!

So, now u know that automation is da best. You already know u need to learn 2 code. But what is the best way to learn? The way I did it is as follows. If you have no idea, then you have to start from the beginning. Find a good book on the language u wanna learn. You can start with one of these. Learn about the language in general, and try to understand what the compiler does. Learn how to write a compiler. When you are done with the first 3 steps, you can move to the next 3 steps. It isn't important what programming method u use, u just need to bcome free!!! Now, I will talk about the 3rd step, how to write a compiler. The 3rd step is to learn how to write a compiler. When I started, I didn't know any of the above things. I just started. And then, I just started learning about compilers. So, if u are a newbie and u don't know what a compiler is, u should start from the beginning and read about the compiler. U need to learn 2 code. Is good.